

PMI Electronic pf Corrector Systems (LV applications) provide thyristor based fast correction with 20 msec response time. The uniqueness of PMI Electronic pf Corrector Systems is that there is real ZERO CURRENT switching which is made through 6 thyristor – Diode modules positioned at 6 arms with binary logic, which means 64-step capacitive correction, unlike popular switching techniques which uses slow and deficient mechanical contactors. At each arm, also harmonic filters, connected serial to capacitors are used, which not only limit the current going to capacitors but also suppress the system harmonics at 189 Hz perfectly, the result being that the capacitor life is extended up to its full life time almost without replacement. Because we use semiconductor-switching as opposed to contactor-switching, there is increased reliability. Response speed is 20 msec which is well suited for fast changing, tough loads.



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