

Powerful Software for Improved Relay Testing

Product Description

Standardize your protection testing program

Doble RTS™ (RTS) is the premier system for improving the work of testing relays and managing test records. Process consistency with power and flexibility set RTS software apart, and tremendous automation enables unmatched efficiency, accuracy and productivity.

Apply your philosophy and maintain your company test and inspection standards in RTS test routines. Use your RTS routines with a variety of test sets in your equipment fleet. Leverage administrative features to easily share your routines across your workforce and manage updates. At the end of the day, your routines and test results are organized in a secure database that simplifies reporting and eliminates cumbersome, error-prone file handling.

Whether testing electromechanical or microprocessor-based relays, performing steady-state, dynamic, or end-to-end system tests, RTS offers a straightforward, consistent user experience regardless of which of the supported relay test sets are used.

RTS software includes a database for customer use that contains test routines for more than 600 popular relay models. Use these quality routines as a starting point for establishing your own custom RTS routines for your company’s testing program. Numerous tools like the PRC Data Control and other modules in the user interface let you adapt routines to test and track maintenance on batteries, CTs, PT/VTs, transducers, and other secondary devices and power system components.

  • Relational database architecture that supports standardized testing, results management and records sharing
  • Test set drivers for controlling a variety of relay test sets from several different manufacturers
  • More than 600 automated test routines for popular relay models included
  • RTS FasTest™ automated steady state and dynamic test creation tools
  • RTS FasFault™ line model/line fault calculation tools
  • End-to-end testing that supports mismatched test sets
  • BASIC scripting engine for specialized, custom operations
  • Repeatable, formula-driven tests that interpret settings for auto-calculating fault quantities
  • Automated data importing from settings files, state simulation files, COMTRADE files and more!
  • Manual control interface for hands-on control of connected test set in real time
  • Battery simulator for controlling DC power from connected test set during test sequences
  • Barcode reader that opens assigned test routines from barcode scans
  • Terminal window for communication with microprocessor relays and other devices in an ASCII format
  • Bulk reporting, multi-filter result searches, summary reports and data consistency tools
  • Database-to-database merge tools for transferring test routines, results and other data between RTS users and the PowerBase Enterprise Asset and Test Management System
  • PB Live Testing function for interfacing with PowerBase data live during RTS test session
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