
Protection Suite Software

Protection Testing Software for Doble Power Simulators

Product Description

Software interface of Doble F6150 Power System Simulators and accessory equipment

Whether you need solutions for analog or digital applications, Protection Suite provides a comprehensive test environment that is flexible to accommodate your technical and operational requirements.

Protection Suite includes an expansive collection of industry-proven test macros plus straightforward methods for assembling and editing test plans. Intuitive test creation and highly-adaptive test techniques support relay testers of all skill and experience levels.

Protection Suite supports all configurations of F-series instruments for any test situation, from relay calibrations to commissioning modern communication-assisted trip schemes to testing IEDs over networks based on IEC 61850 standards.

  • Instrument control and firmware version management
  • Applications for testing relays, CT/VT wiring to relays, phasor measurement units, transducers and meters
  • Limitless incorporation of formulas, worksheets and scripting for powerful and fully customized test operations
  • Expansive set of industry-proven, pre-built steady state and dynamic tests
  • Settings-driven visual protection characteristics and test functions
  • Ability to create models of line configurations and perform end-to-end and fault location testing in state simulations
  • Sequencing of realistic power system events using COMTRADE samples formatted from system devices or generated by software  [into user-defined states]
  • Playback of IED-recorded events and ability to create custom waveforms using the embedded wave generator feature
  • Transient wave form streaming for advanced harmonics testing
  • Digital, IEC 61850 testing of IEDs and verification of GSE, GOOSE, R-GOOSE, and 9-2LE sampled values
  • Customizable solutions for manual data entry and management of documentation
  • Test data and settings management with reporting and security
  • F6 instrument calibrations (using the F6080) that generate calibration certificates
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